Pinacoteca comunale
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Pinacoteca comunale "Antonio Pettinicchi"
L'Amministrazione comunale e gli abitanti di Lucito (compaesani di Antonio) hanno scelto di dedicare un luogo del paese all'accoglienza delle opere realizzate dall'illustre conterraneo, motivati da un sincero trasporto e testimoni di quel senso di dignità che tanto ha caratterizzato l'operato del maestro Palazzo D' Attilio, unitamente all'ex Cappella di San Gennaro, sono la dimora scelta per ospitare questa collezione d'arte, luoghi deputati, spazi individuati con criterio e non semplicemente "ricavati".
♦ Guida al Museo di Antonio Pettinicchi
♦ Immagini opere di Antonio Pettinicchi
♦ Video su Antonio Pettinicchi
♦ Arte nel Molise
♦ Video su Antonio Pettinicchi
Pinacoteca Lucito
Antonio Pizzuto
Inaugurazione Pinacoteca Lucito
Antonio Pizzuto
Una visita alla "mostra" di Antonio Pettinicchi
POP Molise - Lucito_Pettinicchi. La comunità lucitese racconta Antonio Pettinicchi
Pettinicchi, i suoi 'segreti' in un libro
Vista Agenzia Televisiva Nazionale
Antonio Pettinicchi "Controluce" - Intervista a Piernicola Maria Di Iorio e Tommaso Evangelista
Maurizio Oriunno
Municipal Art Gallery
Municipal Art Gallery "Antonio Pettinicchi"
The municipal administration and the inhabitants of Lucito (Antonio's fellow townspeople) have chosen to dedicate a space in the town to house the works of their illustrious compatriot, motivated by genuine admiration and bearing witness to the sense of dignity that so deeply characterized the master's work. Palazzo D'Attilio, along with the former Chapel of San Gennaro, was carefully selected to host this art collection, not simply as "repurposed" spaces but chosen with thoughtful consideration.
This project carries profound significance and considerable interest, made possible by the nobility of spirit and thought of his wife, Letizia, and his son, Paolo. As close connoisseurs of the master's work, and with full respect for his human and creative wishes, the artist’s heirs generously donated a significant number of works to the Lucito community, carefully selected from among his engravings, drawings, and paintings. For completeness, they also provided the people of Lucito and visitors with the Master’s tools of the trade: palettes, paints, brushes, plates, and engraving tools, including the invaluable etching press.
The deep bond with the land of his birth is evident to anyone who has the opportunity and privilege to view the master's works: Lucito lives in the eyes and hands of Antonio Pettinicchi. The best way to observe and appreciate a work of art fully is to do so in the place where it was conceived; the Pettinicchi collection in Lucito brings us back to this essential principle.