► Testo scritto in inglese
La sua costruzione si può collocare nella prima metà del XVII secolo. Esso è stato uno dei primi edifici di una certa importanza ad essere stato costruito fuori della cinta muraria seicentesca del centro abitato di Lucito e, quindi, ad essere stato sottratto alla protezione del Castello Marchesale. L'elemento più interessante è la facciata principale d'austera ed elegantissima fattura. Essa fu eseguita da maestri scalpellini napoletani su progetto di un noto architetto (Vanvitelli)
Its construction dates back to the first half of the 17th century. It was one of the first significant buildings to be erected outside the 17th-century city walls of Lucito and, therefore, beyond the protection of the Marquis’s Castle. The most notable feature is the main facade, which is austere yet elegant in its craftsmanship. It was crafted by Neapolitan stonemasons based on a design by a renowned architect (Vanvitelli).
The facade consists of three architectural orders: Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian, marked by simple pilasters and paired ones, distinguished by entablatures. Entirely made of hard, compact stone, it shows no evident signs of deterioration. Palazzo De Rubertis is a typical urban residence of an 18th-century bourgeois family, and as such, it holds significant historical and social interest, serving as both an example and a testimony of a specific historical period. By decree of the Ministry of Cultural and Environmental Heritage on March 20, 1993, it was declared of important historical and artistic interest and is subject to the protection provisions of Law 1089/1939.