il Palazzo, cui si accede attraverso un ampio portale, e' costituito da due piani inferiori oltre al piano nobile. Molte opere di ammodernamento lo hanno trasformato privandolo di elementi di arredo fisso e di finiture di sicuro interesse.
Resta in opera tutto I' apparato originario delle strutture orizzontali sia voltaree che lignee, nonché i portali in pietra, le mensole di finestre e balconi ed altri elementi significativi come cornici in pietra lavorata, le iscrizioni, gli stemmi.
Vicino al Castello sorge un edificio sul cui portone d'ingresso è posto un pregevole stemma in pietra di epoca cinquecentesca rimosso dal Castello probabilmente all'epoca della costruzione dello stesso. Con decreto del Ministero per i Beni Culturali e Ambientali 16/6/1995 è stato dichiarato di importanza storico-ambientale e sottoposto alle disposizioni di tutela di cui alla legge n. 1089/1939 .
Scalone di accesso interno al palazzo marchesale
The Capece'latro Palace in Lucito is a building with ancient origins, dating back to the Middle Ages when its functions were primarily military. With its imposing structure, it dominates both the medieval village and the valley below. Access to the palace and the village is through the Main Gate to the north, consisting of a pointed arch located beneath the palace itself, and the Pedestrian Gate to the south. Over time, it has undergone various transformations.
The palace, accessed through a large portal, consists of two lower floors in addition to the main floor. Numerous modernization works have altered it, removing some fixed furnishings and finishes of significant interest. However, the original horizontal structures remain intact, including both vaulted and wooden ceilings, as well as the stone portals, window and balcony brackets, and other noteworthy elements such as carved stone cornices, inscriptions, and coats of arms.
Near the castle stands a building whose entrance is adorned with a fine stone coat of arms from the 16th century, likely removed from the castle at the time of the building's construction. By decree of the Ministry of Cultural and Environmental Heritage on June 16, 1995, it was declared of historical and environmental importance and subjected to the protection provisions of Law No. 1089/1939.