Beginners English Course
1. Watch, look and see
2. Make, and do
3. Speak, say and tell
4. Body language (the face)
5. Gestures
6. How do I...?
7. How do I...Throw a party?
8. Showing strong emotions.
9. In the gym
10. On the beach
11. Doing the housework
12. Winter sports
13. Do it yourself (D.I.Y.)
14. In the Restaurant
15. Hiking and camping
16. American and British English. Part I: Motor vehicles
17. American and British English. Part II: The home
18. Types of Movement
19. At the airport
20. At the grocery store
21. Prepositions of place (in and inside/on and off)
- Part 1
- Grammar: Using the alphabet
- Functions: Describing actions (subject / verb / object)
- Vocabulary: Days of the week, months of the year
Dialogues Peter's Family In the Office Birthdays
- Part 2
- Grammar: Personal pronouns and verb "to be"
- Functions: Introductions
- Vocabulary: Numbers (from 1-20)
Dialogues Interview with a computer shop owner. Meeting the neighbours Paying the bill
- Part 3
- Grammar: Posessives (John's hat)
- Functions: Telling the time
- Vocabulary: Large numbers
Dialogues Sam's computer At the bicycle shop Catching a train
- Part 4
- Grammar: More personal pronouns
- Functions: Asking for directions
- Vocabulary: Colours
Dialogues Where is the Post Office? Directions Going to Cambridge
- Part 5
- Grammar: Questions
- Functions: Offers, invitations, suggestions
- Vocabulary: More colours
Dialogues Fancy dress party Going for a curry Holiday plans
- Part 6
- Grammar: Present Continuous
- Functions: Reservations and appointments
- Vocabulary: The house
Dialogues Booking a room in a hotel Discussing houses Fixing the roof