Ita Eng Spa Fra Ger

Beginners English Course

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  Beginners English Course
1. Watch, look and see

2. Make, and do

3. Speak, say and tell

4. Body language (the face)

5. Gestures

6. How do I...?

7. How do I...Throw a party?

8. Showing strong emotions.

9. In the gym

10. On the beach

11. Doing the housework

12. Winter sports
13. Do it yourself (D.I.Y.)

14. In the Restaurant

15. Hiking and camping

16. American and British English. Part I: Motor vehicles

17. American and British English. Part II: The home

18. Types of Movement

19. At the airport

20. At the grocery store

21. Prepositions of place (in and inside/on and off)