L'Associazione "Altair", costituita nel 1983, con sede presso la casa Municipale (Piazza Vittorio Veneto, n. 5), promuove lo sviluppo e la diffusione di attività sportive dilettantistiche, ricreative e culturali favorendo la partecipazione attiva dei cittadini, in particolare dei giovani e delle loro famiglie, soprattutto per il mantenimento delle antiche tradizioni locali. Ha organizzato nel corso degli anni campionati di calcio, gare podistiche e tornei estivi. Dal 1993 indice ed organizza il Concorso Nazionale di Pittura Estemporanea, giunto alla 26esima edizione (Nel 2020 e 2021 non realizzato a causa della pandemia). Dal 1997, grazie all'interessamento del professore Antonio Marasca, I'Associazione ripropone la manifestazione della tradizione popolare "Majje Dde le Defenze", che si svolge il primo maggio.
promotes the development and spread of amateur sports, recreational, and cultural activities, encouraging the active participation of citizens, particularly young people and their families, with a special focus on preserving ancient local traditions. Over the years, it has organized football championships, running races, and summer tournaments. Since 1993, it has hosted and organized the National Outdoor Painting Contest, now in its 26th edition (not held in 2020 and 2021 due to the pandemic). Since 1997, thanks to the efforts of Professor Antonio Marasca, the Association has revived the traditional popular event "Majje Dde le Defenze," which takes place on May 1st.
promotes the development and spread of amateur sports, recreational, and cultural activities, encouraging the active participation of citizens, particularly young people and their families, with a special focus on preserving ancient local traditions. Over the years, it has organized football championships, running races, and summer tournaments. Since 1993, it has hosted and organized the National Outdoor Painting Contest, now in its 26th edition (not held in 2020 and 2021 due to the pandemic). Since 1997, thanks to the efforts of Professor Antonio Marasca, the Association has revived the traditional popular event "Majje Dde le Defenze," which takes place on May 1st.